My sis miscall yesterday, bcoz i did'nt bring the phone when im repairing Pn halijah's she sent the sms to tell me, that my cousin will make knduri kwin at 30th Nov, owh......this gonna be a big problem to i reply to my sis n ask her everthing that goes wrong...I have to change the day, so i've ask mr khairul n he said, nothing to be worried, just do it on happy to heard from him...Thanks dear ....
i thought the problem will settle after we change the day, but after i call my mom, she told me to make the majlis early morning.....NOOOOOOOO.........why this could happen to me????so i tell mr. K, and he will discuss with his family bout this....I call my dad to reconfirm bout this, so he said, if we can do it on Saturday, 12 pm...this will be ok...but, i dun know...whether it ok or not... i fell not very happy rite now with my examination, work, and my majlis i dun know how i want to handle all of the problem...uwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....
SaYa Adalah NorHaLiZa AbDul rAhmAn, SaYa DilaHirKan pAda 3 NoVembEr 1985 bersamaan 19 Safar 1406, Saya BErasAl daRI Pt SuLOng, BaTU PAhaT, JOhor, SekaraNg sAya BeKErja SebAgai, PenolonG PEgawAi IT Di FaKUlti SaiNs UTM
**SaYa AdaLaH seoraNG yanG
♥ FunNy ♥SimPLe ♥TaLkatiVe ♥FriendLy ♥Lovely ♥SuKe TIdO ♥SuKe MaKaN
♥ ♥ ♥ Isteri, teman hidup, teman tidur, teman makan kepada Mr. KHairUL SyaHril AbdUl WaHid ♥ ♥ ♥
♥ ♥ ♥ Bakal ibu kepada buah cinta saya dan suami
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